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B2B Commerce Cloud

Create meaningful experiences your customers can't live without


B2B Commerce Cloud is currently available only in North America. Commerce Cloud is our globally available solution for B2B and B2C ecommerce.

Benefits of Episerver B2B Commerce Cloud ​

Highlighted capabilities​

Cart & Checkout​

B2B ecommerce transactions are complex. Make it easy for your new and returning customers to make purchases. Leverage a powerful rules engine and integration architecture to provide dynamic cart and checkout experiences featuring guest user, order management, list management, payment, fulfillment and quote capabilities.

Catalog Management​

Give your customers the ability to easily find what they need to find. Seamlessly highlight product categories and brands while personalizing your catalog for your customers. Harness the B2B features of the platform to integrate various back-office systems to speed up, automate and reduce errors in catalog management.


Target existing customers or find and engage new customers with deep personalization capabilities. Easily produce multiple sites from a single instance to deliver personalized experiences by segment, location or device.


The B2B buying journey includes complexities around people, products and channels. Create unique workflows for users including researchers, buyers and approvers. Workflows enable you to manage quote requests, orders and deliveries with ease and efficiency.​

Efficient Reorder​

B2B buyers don't shop, they buy. They need an efficient way to order and reorder common items. Leverage list management and order history capabilities to give your customers a seamless and fast buying experience.​

Appar och connectorer för Episerver-implementering

En molnplattform som växer i takt med ditt behov

Episerver App Marketplace är marknadsplatsen som samlar alla integrationer, applikationer och connectorer som skapar mervärde för din Episerver-lösning, samtidigt som du snabbare och billigare förbättrar ditt digitala ekosystem. Bläddra bland appar efter kategori, produkttyp och välj bland gratis- eller betalappar: Våra appar inkluderar integrationer till andra system, smarta moduler och utökad funktionalitet i Digital Experience Platform som skapats av kunder och partners.

Episervers molntjänst är en elastiskt skalbar tjänst som garanterar att dina webbplatser håller en snabb hastighet, robust säkerhet och att du slipper oroa dig för eventuell nedtid till följd av högt tryck på sajten eller hackerattacker. Allt är byggt på molnplattformen Microsoft Azure. Du behöver inte längre planera hela din IT-infrastruktur på en och samma gång utan kan anpassa dig efter aktuell situation.

Över 8 000 varumärken världen över använder Episerver

Partnering up for your success




Certified developers

20 000+

Websites using Episerver

Benefit from experience, with Episerver Expert Services

Episerver Digital Experience Platform lets you do amazing things for your customers. Leverage our experts to do amazing things for you! Our team of digital strategists enable Customers and Partners to deliver quantifiable business results powered by Episerver Digital Experience Platform. Consultants with a depth of experience in all aspects provide expertise and guidance to position you for success.

Request an Assessment

We’re not the right fit for everybody, but we’re the right partner to help you understand who is. Episerver’s B2B Commerce assessment will help you determine what your customer-focused and company-focused objectives are, so you can find the solution that drives real results for your business. Fill out the form and we’ll:

  • Get you connected to an Episerver B2B Commerce expert
  • Review your business requirements
  • Create a custom demo tailored to your needs

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