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Every business should be able to experiment like the best in the business. And now they can.

There's no experience without experimentation

The strengths of Episerver and Optimizely together

Highlighted capabilities

Optimize layout

Data driven design. 

Experimenting and testing new design elements with your customers results in winning experiences. Identifying patterns in your design, that customers respond to, helps to increase your desired outcomes. Combine your creativity and art with data-driven science and experimentation to build the optimal customer experience.

Content and commerce optimization

Identify the pairings of audiences and offers that convert. 

You have awesome value; but figuring out how your customers want to consume it can be challenging. With experiments, you can now create content, offers, and products that are automatically personalized for each user by knowing what compels customers to action. 

Optimize personalization

It's logical. 

Test so much more than layouts, content, and offers. The combination of emotion and logic is key. Optimizing the emotional response to creative content is the start. Coupled with tested personalization logic, your experiences drive outsized outcomes. Search configuration, recommendations, and personalization tactics are tested and optimized providing the best match of each person to the best experience in real time. 

Intelligent creation

Create what customers want.

An intriguing shift takes place when we create content that's entirely focused on customer outcomes. A combination of our Content Intelligence and Optimizely form a new flow of work, where proven customer insights lead us to create better content the first time. Your team has guidance on what topics, themes, and incentives customers desire, and what content you should create to match their needs. 

Sign up to get a demo

Schedule a live demo with one of our specialists at your convenience. Let us know your requirements and we'll show you how we can elevate your business. 

  • Your demo is customized around you
  • Our experts can answer your questions 
  • Free and non-binding

Find out why Episerver and Optimizely are the right choice for your business. 

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