Episerver DXP roadmap series: latest product updates plus tips & tricks - Commerce deep dive

Learn how to boost your sales and increase your revenue in this hands-on session with focus on Episerver Commerce.

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Commerce deep dive

In the third part of our Roadmap series, we'll focus on Commerce and will cover both the basics for developers, show you the new CSR UI and how you can work with discounts and promotions. 

You'll also be able to see how you easily can collaborate within the UI with your colleagues. 

Who is the webinar for? This is a hands-on session for developers, editors and other business users. 


Check out our other webinars on this Roadmap series!

Don't miss out on the 4th and final part of the series where we will look into our newly released Intelligence features and give you some hands-on tips and tricks. 

Our speakers

David Buö - Episerver

David Buö

Product Strategy Director

Sofia Larsson

Manager, Customer Success

Roger Cevung


Karen McDougall
