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Expert Services - Customer Enablement

We help remove the complexity from Digital Projects to ensure you stay on track to meet your business' goals.

How Expert Services can support you

Working with Expert Services

Our Business and Technical consulting services provide a depth of experience in all aspects of the world of Digital Transformation . We provide expertise and guidance in a range of ways to position you and your organization for success.

Application Management Services

Outsourcing Application Management through Episerver Expert Services reduces costs, improves quality, expedites solutions, and helps you free up resources to fuel your digital transformation.

Episerver's dedicated and cross trained resources work closely with your team to tailor fit any engagements to your wants, needs and cadence. This can include:

  • New feature development
  • Ongoing maintenance
  • Upgrades
  • New release installations
  • Performance monitoring 
Migration Services

We provide Customers with a streamlined content migration service for the easiest and most cost-effective way to migrate your existing CMS content onto the Episerver DXP. This service will help streamline your project and allow your team to start taking advantage of Episerver's benefits and capabilities quickly and efficiently. 

Project Leadership and Governance

Take advantage of our team's deep product insights, proven project delivery methodology, and 3rd tier support structure to move projects from start to finish. The teams are led through SDLC by an Episerver Project Manager and Architect with focus on planning, Agile project execution, solid coding and best practices and testing. 

The team's experience makes navigation project challenges easier and faster. 

DXP Readiness Assessment

Our Assessment reviews key areas of your Episerver solution to ensure that the site scales and takes full advantage of the rich features of the Episerver platform and the DXP-Service. 

Episerver's DXP Readiness Assessments ensures that the site is ready for traffic, scales as needed and follows standard best practices that maximize your investment as well as the end users experience. 

Personalization Advisory Services

Our personalization accelerator onsite workshops help you maximise efficiency and more quickly realize a return on your investment.

Our workshops help to accelerate your digital journey by:

  • Creating an Agility Readiness Assessment that rates your organization's current level and readiness to move onto the next. 
  • Creation of a detailed roadmap to help maximise your personalization investment and realize your goals. 
  • Setup of rules-based personalization for items that your organization can currently support, helping you increase and maximiz your digital maturity and more quickly realize a return on your investment. 
Upgrade Services

We recommend that all customers upgrade regularly to ensure they have access to the most up to date features, and to ensure they have the most secure and performant version of the Digital Experience Platform.

Expert Services have developed an upgrade accelerator to assist with upgrading customers on Ektron CMS, Episerver Content Cloud or Episerver Commerce Cloud to the latest release of the platform. This includes: 

  • Upgrade Assesment report - this notes areas that require additional attention or risk.
  • Clear Project Plans higlight key areas that require attention and ensure that milestones and deliverables are clear. 
  • Upgraded site and site code
  • Test and UAT plans are created to define what, how and who will be performing tests. 
  • QA review of the upgraded site.

Kom i kontakt med oss

Enten du har et digitalt prosjekt du er i ferd med å starte opp, eller om du er ute og sonderer markedet, vil vi gjerne ta en prat!

Kontakt oss for en uforpliktende samtale om hvordan Episerver kan hjelpe til med å oppnå deres mål.

Ring oss gjerne på +47 4000 7040.

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